Which companies are looking at your website?

Have you ever wanted to know the name, address and telephone number of every company visiting your website?
Virtualnet Software developed the platform IPFingerprint.com a tool that identifies business visitors that look at websites
Please visit the IPFingerprint website for more information and for a FREE 14 Day Trial.
With new software we can advise you every time a company visits your website. Before you would only know if a company visited IF they completed an online form or called or emailed you. Now with IPFingerprint a new software tool Developed by Virtualnet Software, we can advise you instantly (automated) every time a company visits your website.
So instead of looking at stats each month which for example could say 8,000 visitors and you knowing who 40 of these visitors were, you now will have access to know the names of ALL companies who visited your website, where they are located and their contact details!